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(CRWE, SBNY, ALOG, HAYN) Notable Stock by

September 29th, 2011 at 01:51 pm

Crown Equity Holdings, Inc. (CRWE)

Crown Equity Holdings Inc., together with its digital network, currently provides electronic media services specializing in online publishing, which brings together targeted audiences and advertisers. Crown Equity Holdings Inc. offers internet media-driven advertising services, which covers and connects a range of marketing specialties, as well as search engine optimization for clients interested in online media awareness.

Having an impact that could be compared to the invention of television in 1928, the online video was one of the main components that differentiated the new media from the traditional one. It is the fastest and most powerful social media tool that companies should use while preparing their Internet marketing and social media strategies, as it's the fastest way one can convey a message that has feelings attached to it. Its effectiveness comes from the fact that the human brain employs 40% of the cortex to process video, meaning that humans are wired to scan the visual environment and are most attracted to visual stimulation. Due to its effectiveness, online video marketing grew to become a 'must' for all social media strategies.

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